• grandfather 81caaa3ca3

    Charadon released this 2024-04-04 18:31:54 +00:00 | 0 commits to master since this release

    This release contains a lot of downloading pre-made binaries. Future releases will build everything from source, and it all starts from here.

    Despite that, this is very usable if you want it, everything is either checked out directly from git repositories, or their archives are verified with SHA512 checksums. So it should all be safe!

    If you want to verify the archives, be sure to import my gpg key from https://pgp.mit.edu like this:

    gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 4FF9075BAC1C56E026CA4C8B884987F3321837DB

    And then verify it with

    gpg --verify winbuild-$VERSION-$EDITION.zip.sig winbuild-$VERSION-$EDITION.zip

    If it says "Good Signature", you're all set!

    You can find the pre-built binaries on my file server at https://ftp.iotib.net/Projects/winbuild.

    Please use the BitTorrents to reduce strain on my file server, it's bandwidth is limited
